Dear Sir/Madam,
The Polish Salt Mining Association (PSMA), along with the Wieliczka Salt Mine S.A., cordially invite you to participate in the XXVIII International Salt Symposium "Quo Vadis Sal," which will take place between 16-18 October 2024, at the Wieliczka Salt Mine.
Title of the Symposium:
The Role of Salt in Poland and Europe in the Age of Geopolitical Crisis
I. Symposium Topics
Leading topics:
- Salt and energy security – hydrocarbon storage in salt cavern.
- Green energy – hydrogen and air storage in salt deposits.
- Salt and nuclear energy: safe waste disposal.
Other topics:
- Potassium-magnesium salts – national and global potential.
- Classical and present-day salt-deposit research techniques
- Geological mining and environmental hazards in salt deposit exploitation.
- Underground salt mines as testimonies of salt mining traditions in Poland and abroad
II. Forms of Presentations
- Conference Paper (up to 15 minutes + discussion)
- Announcement (up to 5 minutes)
- Poster (119 x 84 cm; A-0 format)
Presentations should be prepared and submitted as extended abstracts (3-5 pages with illustrations, text in Microsoft Word, 12, without formatting) or complete articles, strictly according to the instructions for authors available on the PSMA website under the "Salt Review" tab, and sent to:
Articles and abstracts (as short papers) will be published in the Salt Review 2024.
Important Dates:
Until 30 June 2023 – Zgłaszanie wystąpień i przesyłanie rozszerzonych abstraktów (2-3 strony) lub pełnych artykułów.
By 31 August 2024 – Registration for the Symposium and payment of the conference fee. Symposium participation declaration and fee payment deadline
Cost of participation in the Symposium
- 350 EUR – standard fee.
- 175 EUR – for one person presenting a paper (or team member) provided the timely submission of the article or extended abstract (short papers) to the Salt Review.
- 175 EUR – for one person presenting a paper (or team member) provided the timely submission of the article or extended abstract (short papers) to the Salt Review.
- 600 zł – dla studentów, emerytowanych (nieaktywnych zawodowo) pracowników górnictwa oraz członków PSGS odznaczonych Złotą Odznaką Stowarzyszeni
- Participants from Ukraine: exempted
The fee includes services, conference materials, participation in paper sessions, coffee breaks, two lunches, two gala dinners, and a field trip
Fees are payable to the following Bank Account:
PL 67 1240 4533 1111 0000 5423 9786 67 1240 4533 1111 0000 5423 9786
with the title: "Salt Symposium 2024 + surname"
V. Participation Declarations
Zgłoszenia udziału w Sympozjum należy dokonywać wyłącznie elektronicznie poprzez formularz, który jest zamieszczony na stronie internetowej PSGS: www.psgs.agh.edu.pl
VI. Venue of the Symposium – Wieliczka Salt Mine
Accommodation – Recommended accommodation options: • The Grand Sal Hotel, located 50 m from the Wieliczka Salt Mine (www.grandsal.pl) – double room – ca. 103,00 EUR. • Turówka Hotel, located 500 m from the mine – double room – ca.112,00 EUR • The Galicja Hotel located close to the mine – (www.hotelgalicja.pl) – double room – ca. 90,00 EUR
Contact with Organizers:
- E-mail: sypozjumsolne@gmail.com
- For urgent matters, phone: +48 608685946 (President of PSMA Secretariat)
- Informacje, formularze zgłoszeniowe i aktualizacje są/będą zamieszczone na stronie internetowej: www.psgs.agh.edu.pl
Best regards,
Dr inż. Jacek Wachowiak
President of the PSGS
The Symposium Organizer