To pierwsze spotkanie stacjonarne w ramach COST Action SaltAges, otwartej sieci badaczy i innowatorów z Europy i spoza niej, której celem jest:
ocena konsekwencji formowania się gigantycznych złóż soli na biotę, cykle biogeochemiczne, klimat globalny i regionalny oraz cyrkulację oceaniczną;
zbadanie interakcji między złożami soli, klimatem a tektoniką płyt;

Rocznik Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Górnictwa Solnego 2024

XXVIII International Salt Symposium
Salt Symposium "Quo Vadis Sal," which will take place between 16-18 October 2024, at the Wieliczka Salt Mine.
Symposium Title: The Role of Salt in Poland and Europe in the Age of Geopolitical Crisis
The PSGS membership includes the workers of the mining companies, Universities, government agencies, research and development centres involved in salt deposit prospecting, mining, and management. The goal of PSGS is to act to the benefit of broadly understood salt mining industry, business, and research in Poland, including e.g. the following:

To express opinions on important salt mining issues

To integrate the salt mining communities

To disseminate salt mining knowledge and research achievements

To co-operate in the educational projects designed for salt mining personnel
And so it was...
International Salt Symposium "Quo Vadis Sal" and the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment and operation of the Polish Salt Mining Association
All the latest information about the Polish Salt Mining Association